14 November 2009

Ah- Soh- Koh

Posted on 11/14/2009 by s_eth

Ah- Soh- Koh

- to cheer up the mood in group during LDK session


Everyone sits in a circle, and learns the 3 commands and their movements.

1) Ah – the person says “Ah” loudly, and takes their left or right arm across their chest, pointing at the person next to them
2) Soh - the person says “Soh” loudly, and takes their left or right arm above their head, pointing at the person next to them
3) Koh – the person puts both arms together in front of them and point to someone else, anywhere in the circle.

The phrases must always go in that order, and each phrase needs its correct hand motion. You go when you are pointed at by someone next to you using “ah” or “soh,” or by someone across from you using “koh.” When you are “koh”ed at by someone you can either start again with “Ah” or put your hands up and say “nooooooo.” If you say “noooooooo” then the person who said “koh” has to start again with “Ah.” If you mess up, you step out of the circle and walk around the outside trying to confuse people by shouting random words.

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